Create Website for Documentation

Create stunning documentation websites on Windows or Mac! No code, free, with AI.

Browse documentation templates

If you're looking to create a website for documentation, a practical first step is to download Mobirise. This user-friendly platform simplifies web design. Once installed, browse the selection of templates in the library provided. Choose a design that fits your project's needs and begin the customization process to create your ideal documentation site.
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Key features

Easy Text Editing

An intuitive text editor is essential, enabling users to effortlessly create and edit content without needing to understand HTML or CSS. It should support basic formatting options such as bold, italic, bullet points, and custom headings, facilitating clear and structured documentation that enhances readability and comprehension.

Access Control

Robust access control mechanisms ensure sensitive information remains protected. The builder should provide options like password protection, user roles, and permissions. This allows creators to manage viewer access effectively, ensuring only authorized personnel can view or edit the documentation as needed for security and confidentiality.

Powerful Search Functionality

An advanced search function is critical to help users quickly find the information they need within the documentation. It should support keyword searches, filters, and indexing to enable efficient retrieval of relevant content, thereby enhancing user experience and reducing time spent navigating through extensive documents.

Structured Organization

The ability to organize documents in a logical structure is paramount for effective documentation. Features like drag-and-drop arrangement, nested categories, and a clear hierarchy help in maintaining a clean layout, making it easier for end-users to follow the flow and for editors to manage the content.

Customization Options

Customization options are vital for branding and user experience. The builder should allow for theme adjustments, custom CSS, and the integration of logos to ensure the final product aligns with brand identity. Flexibility in design helps make documentation more engaging and recognizable to users.

Responsive Design

A responsive design ensures that the documentation website is accessible and usable across various devices, including desktops, tablets, and smartphones. This adaptability improves accessibility and user satisfaction, as content is easily viewable and navigable on any screen size.

Link Management

Effective link management helps maintain the integrity of the documentation by avoiding broken links. Features should include automatic link update capabilities when pages are moved or renamed, and alerts for broken links, to ensure that users always have access to the correct and intended information.

Version Control

Version control is critical for tracking changes, managing multiple versions of documents, and enabling rollbacks to previous states when necessary. This ensures documentation accuracy over time, facilitates collaboration among multiple contributors, and maintains a history of updates for audit purposes.

Analytics and Reporting

Analytics and reporting tools are key for monitoring the usage of your documentation. By analyzing user behavior, time-on-page, and search queries, content creators can identify which sections are most useful to users and where improvements might be needed, making it a continuous improvement process.

How to build websites for documentation? Usual way

Define Your Documentation Goals

Before creating a documentation website, it's crucial to identify the purpose of the documentation. Consider the target audience, the type of information they seek, and how you expect them to interact with the content. Will the website serve as a guide for developers, a manual for users, or reference material? Determining the goals and the scope of the documentation at the outset will guide your content strategy, structure, and design, ultimately shaping a more effective and user-centered documentation website.

Choose a Platform or Framework

Select a suitable platform or framework that aligns with your documentation needs. Popular options include static site generators like MkDocs or Jekyll, which provide templates and themes optimized for documentation. Alternatively, consider using a content management system (CMS) such as WordPress, equipped with plugins tailored for creating documentation. Your choice should provide the flexibility to organize content effectively and create a user-friendly experience. Consider factors such as customization capabilities, responsive design, search functionality, and the ability to update documents easily when making your decision.

Organize the Content Structure

With a platform chosen, the next step is to organize your content into a clear, logical structure that will help users navigate and understand the material. This typically involves creating a hierarchy starting with a landing page that outlines the documentation sections, followed by individual pages or categories for different topics. A well-defined structure helps in maintaining consistency and scalability, ensuring that as your documentation grows, it remains intuitive for users to find what they're looking for. Consider using a table of contents, breadcrumbs, and a clear navigation system to enhance the site's usability.

Design the Website

Design is pivotal in making documentation approachable and consumable. The aesthetic should be clean and minimalistic, avoiding design elements that distract from the content. Pay attention to typography and readability; use headings, bullet points, and number lists for better organization. Incorporate a responsive design ensuring compatibility across different devices and screen sizes. Code snippets should be easily distinguishable with syntax highlighting, and images or diagrams need to be of high quality. Remember, the design should aid in comprehension and user engagement, not overshadow the documentation itself.

Create and Format Content

With the structure in place, begin creating and formatting your content. Start with your core topics and write in a clear, concise manner targeted toward your audience's technical level. Include step-by-step instructions, best practices, FAQs, and troubleshooting information where applicable. Use formatting tools such as headers, lists, tables, and call-out boxes to break up text and make complex information digestible. Consistently review and edit your content for clarity, accuracy, and relevance. Well-crafted content not only informs but also builds trust and authority with your users.

Test, Deploy, and Update

Before deploying your website, thoroughly test it to ensure all links, navigation, and functionalities work correctly. Review the content on various devices and browsers for responsive design consistency. After deploying, set up a process for regular updates and iterations based on user feedback and evolving product features. Implementing an analytics tool can help track page views and visitor behavior, providing insights to improve the documentation further. Remember, a great documentation website is not static; it evolves with the technology it supports.

Create documentation website in minutes!

Select pre-constructed blocks to assemble your website pages, swap in your personal content, and just like that—your website is set to go!

Best Website Builder for documentation

How to make documentation website for free with Mobirise?

Download Mobirise Application

Begin by navigating to the official Mobirise website and downloading the application suitable for your operating system. Installation is straightforward; once downloaded, execute the installer and follow the on-screen prompts. After successfully installing, open the application to start creating your documentation website.

Choose Initial Template

Upon launching Mobirise, select a template that aligns with the styling you desire for your documentation site. Mobirise offers a variety of professionally designed templates tailored for different purposes, ensuring a good starting point for your project.

Customize Website Blocks

Leverage Mobirise's drag-and-drop functionality to customize your webpage with different content blocks. These blocks include elements like headers, content sections, and footers, which you can customize further to fit your documentation's needs.

Add Documentation Content

Input your actual documentation text, include screenshots, videos, or other media. Organize your content in an intuitive structure so that users can easily navigate through the documentation. Pay attention to using a legible font, well-organized sections, and a search function if possible.

Preview and Test Website

Regularly utilize the preview feature in Mobirise to test your site's functionality and appearance across various devices and screen sizes. Check links, readability, and navigational elements to ensure a seamless user experience. Make adjustments as needed before final deployment.

Publish Your Documentation

Once satisfied with the website, use Mobirise's built-in publish options to go live. You can upload directly to your hosting using FTP, connect to a Google Drive, or even host locally. Ensure all files are uploaded, and your documentation website is accessible online.

Edit locally, upload wherever

Make your website live by deploying it on a local drive, via FTP, on *, or by linking it to your own custom domain. Free yourself from the limitations of a single platform or service provider. You have complete ownership and autonomy over your site.

Sample page structure of documentation website

  • Get Started This section provides an introduction to the service or product, outlining the basic steps needed to begin using it effectively.
  • Installation Detailed instructions are given on how to properly install the software, including system requirements and any potential prerequisites.
  • User Guide Here, users can find comprehensive information on how to utilize various features of the software, often accompanied by step-by-step tutorials.
  • FAQs Frequently Asked Questions are addressed in this section, offering quick answers to common queries and issues encountered by users.
  • API Documentation A technical section dedicated to developers, containing detailed information about the application programming interfaces, allowing for custom integrations and extensions.
  • Troubleshooting This segment provides solutions and advice for resolving common problems that users might face while using the software.
  • Release Notes An up-to-date log of all the changes made in each version of the software, including new features, improvements, and fixed bugs.
  • Best Practices A resource providing recommendations and tips to users on how to optimize their use of the software for better performance and results.
  • Examples This part of the documentation features real-world examples or case studies demonstrating how the software can be applied to solve specific problems.
  • Support Offers the different avenues through which users can get assistance, such as helpdesk contact information, forums, and community support channels.

Best Website Builder for documentation

Mobirise is an offline website building software designed for non-tech savvy users to create small to medium-sized websites, landing pages, online resumes, and portfolios. It is based on the Bootstrap framework, which ensures responsiveness and mobile-friendliness. Users can select from a variety of website themes and drag-and-drop blocks to add content. Mobirise emphasizes visual editing with real-time previews, allowing for swift design iteration without coding knowledge. Additionally, extensions and themes enhance functionality and aesthetic variety. Its user-friendly interface facilities quick web development. To explore the straightforward website creation Mobirise offers, consider downloading the application using the buttons provided below.

Which Mobirise blocks to add to the documentation website?

    Here is a list of 10 Mobirise blocks formatted in HTML to be added to a documentation website:
  • 📑 Feature Blocks Customizable sections to showcase the key features of your product or service, with icons, images, and concise descriptions.
  • 🎥 Video Backgrounds Blocks that allow embedding full-width background videos for an engaging visual experience, enhancing the overall look and feel of the site.
  • 🔗 Social Media Links Blocks designed for adding social media icons and links to increase your online presence and foster connectivity with your audience.
  • 🗂 Tabbed Content Organize your documentation into an easy-to-navigate tab layout, allowing users to switch between different sections or topics seamlessly.
  • 📊 Pricing Tables Clearly structured blocks to display different pricing options or plans, complete with features lists and call-to-action buttons.
  • 💌 Contact Forms Customizable forms to allow users to reach out with questions or feedback, complete with integration options for email and CRM platforms.
  • 🗓 Event Schedules Blocks that let you list upcoming events, webinars, or important dates, helping users stay informed about your activities.
  • 🖼 Gallery Blocks Grids or sliders for showcasing screenshots, photos, or product images that can be easily updated and configured.
  • 📢 Testimonials Segments dedicated to displaying customer quotes and endorsements, which can help in building trust and credibility with new users.
  • 🗺 Interactive Maps Includes maps to provide location details or to depict global availability, enhancing the context and usability of your documentation.

What websites can be made with Mobirise?

  • User Guide Portals Offer step-by-step instructions for product or service usage.
  • Tutorial Sites Provide educational content and how-to guides for various tasks.
  • FAQ Repositories Centralize common questions and answers for user reference.
  • Knowledge Bases Comprehensive resource centers for self-service customer support.
  • API Documentation Hubs Detailed technical specs for developers to integrate APIs.
  • Policy Libraries Organized collection of company policies, procedures, and regulations.
  • Training Resource Platforms E-learning materials and resources for professional development.
  • Product Manual Archives Digital versions of product manuals for customer access.
  • Technical Support Centers Troubleshooting resources and technical help for users.
  • Release Note Compilations Historical records of updates and changes to software.
build a knowledge base site, develop technical documentation online portal, establish a user manual website, create an instruction guide webpage, construct an online reference documentation hub, set up a digital product documentation resource, launch a web-based help documentation platform, initiate a project documentation repository online, generate an online API documentation center, craft a web manual for product users, produce an online handbook for software, design an interactive troubleshooting guide site, make a web service documentation resource, fabricate an online guide for developers, forge a web-based repository for technical guides, compose a software documentation platform on the web, assemble an informative how-to website for users, originate a self-service support documentation website, elaborate a web archive for instruction manuals, formulate a DIY help site for products, create an internet-based repository for user guides, engineer a comprehensive online documentation system, conceive a help center for online documentation, mold a documentation portal for web services, architect a support manual website for technology, construct a web compendium for user instruction, erect a SaaS product documentation site, birth a digital archive for help files, devise an information-rich website for user assistance, lay the foundations for an online instructional material library.

Choosing the right website builder for documentation website

  • WordPress WordPress is a versatile content management system (CMS) that is equipped with a plethora of themes and plugins specifically tailored for creating extensive documentation websites. Users can employ documentation-specific themes that offer organized interfaces for segmenting and accessing different parts of the documentation efficiently. The plugin system allows for integration of features such as searchable databases, user contributions, and version control, which can be particularly useful for maintaining comprehensive and up-to-date documentation.
  • ReadTheDocs ReadTheDocs is a specialized documentation hosting service that integrates seamlessly with version control systems like Git. It is particularly well-suited for software documentation, supporting Sphinx and MkDocs, tools that can automatically generate attractive documentation from source code and markdown files. ReadTheDocs offers versioning, multiple formats (HTML, PDF, EPUB), and a build system that automates the deployment of your documentation after each commit.
  • Confluence Designed for team collaboration, Confluence by Atlassian serves as an effective platform for creating, organizing, and discussing work among teams. Its powerful editor and collaborative functions support the creation of detailed documentation, with features like full-text search, page hierarchies, and direct integration with Jira for project tracking. Confluence provides templates and allows for the customization of the documentation space which can enforce consistency across pages.
  • Adobe FrameMaker Adobe FrameMaker is a versatile document processor specifically designed for writing and editing large or complex documents, including structured documents. Perfect for technical documentation, FrameMaker supports XML and DITA and offers comprehensive tools for content management, review, and publishing to multiple formats including HTML5, PDF, and responsive mobile layouts. The strength of FrameMaker lies in its ability to handle long and intricate documents, making it an ideal choice for creating structured documentation that requires a high degree of accuracy and formatting.
  • Sphinx Sphinx is a powerful documentation generator that is primarily written in Python, often used for technical documentation. It transforms plaintext files written in reStructuredText into various output formats, such as HTML, LaTeX (for printable PDF versions), ePub, Texinfo, manual pages, and plain text, making it incredibly flexible. Sphinx includes features like automatic generation of indices, multiple language support, and API documentation from code comments.
  • Mobirise Despite being primarily a website builder for creating small and medium-sized sites, Mobirise can be an excellent alternative for creating documentation websites, particularly if visual impact and ease of use are high priorities. Mobirise's drag-and-drop interface simplifies the process of designing the documentation layout, while its selection of content blocks can be customized to fit your documentation's structure. Its offline editing capability could be beneficial for users looking to develop their documentation without constant online connectivity.

Edit code of Mobirise blocks

Try the "Edit Code" feature available with the Code Editor extension: add your own scripts, and adjust CSS.


What is the first step in creating a documentation website?

The first step in creating a documentation website is to define the scope and structure of your content. Determine what topics you need to cover, how you want to organize information, and the format you will use. Once you have a clear outline, you can choose a suitable platform like Mobirise to build your website.

Do I need to know coding to create a documentation website with Mobirise?

No, you do not need any coding expertise to use Mobirise. It is a user-friendly platform that allows you to create a website by simply dragging and dropping elements onto your page. This makes it an excellent option for those who want to create a professional-looking documentation website without any coding background.

How can I customize my documentation website with Mobirise?

With Mobirise, you can easily customize your documentation website by selecting from a wide range of pre-designed blocks and templates. You can also adjust colors, fonts, and images, and you can add new pages or content blocks to suit your documentation needs. Additionally, you can extend the functionality by using third-party extensions and plugins.

What are the best practices for structuring documentation content on a website?

Best practices for structuring documentation on a website include organizing content logically, starting with the most important information. Use clear headings, subheadings, and a table of contents for easy navigation. Break text into short paragraphs, employ bullet points for lists, and include visuals to aid understanding. Also, make sure to include a search function and a responsive design so users can easily find and view content on any device.

Is it possible to host a documentation website made with Mobirise for free?

Yes, it is possible to host a documentation website made with Mobirise for free. After building your website with Mobirise, you can choose to host it on a free hosting provider, or you may host it directly on platforms that offer free hosting options. However, for a more professional approach and to have a custom domain, investing in a paid hosting service is recommended.

Can I integrate other tools with my Mobirise documentation website?

Absolutely, you can enhance your documentation website created with Mobirise by integrating other tools such as analytics platforms, customer support widgets, SEO optimization tools, and more. The integration process may vary depending on the tools you wish to use, so you may need to follow specific instructions from the tool providers or use plugins compatible with Mobirise.

User Reviews about documentation website builders

  • Effortless Documentation Management - Andrew K.

    I recently decided to use a popular website builder to create our project's documentation site, mainly because of its promising catalogue of templates which were tailored for help docs and manuals. The drag-and-drop feature initially attracted me, as I have more experience with content creation than web development. During the building process, I missed more advanced features such as conditional content display and a comprehensive version control system, which are essential for technical documentation. However, the ease of embedding multimedia and the responsive design capabilities were definite pluses. On the downside, the builder's limited customization options meant that I could not tailor the user experience as much as I would have liked, which in the world of documentation, can be a substantial drawback.

  • Seamless Integration, Minor Hiccups - Monica G.

    When I was chosen to spearhead our documentation website overhaul, I opted for a website builder known for its integration with our existing workflow tools. The decision paid off as it allowed us to seamlessly update our docs with every product release. However, I was not without questions; how could we implement a multi-level navigation system to accommodate our vast array of articles? The support team was somewhat helpful, but I had to scour forums for best practices. Positively, the user permissions and collaboration features were fantastic, enabling stakeholders to participate in the review process. On the flip side, the builder's analytics were lacking depth, a feature critical for improving our documentation effectiveness.

  • Documentation With a Creative Twist - Jason B.

    As a creative professional, I was on the lookout for a website builder that would not only facilitate straightforward documentation processes but also allow me to inject some creativity into the design. The builder I chose struck a perfect balance, with rich text formatting and custom CSS capabilities. I appreciated the freedom to custom-design the navigation, although figuring out how to make the search function more powerful took some digging and experimentation. The uptime was excellent, but there were more hiccups with cross-browser compatibility than I would've liked. Nevertheless, the user feedback module was a game-changer, allowing us to refine our documentation directly based on user interaction.

  • Internationalization Made Easy - Vanessa M.

    As a global company, our documentation needed to be multilingual. The website builder I chose specially catered to this need with powerful localization tools. I was particularly impressed by the ease with which one could manage translations and ensure that content was culturally relevant. Questions arose regarding the builder's capability to handle right-to-left languages — thankfully, their out-of-the-box RTL support saved the day. From a content creation perspective, I loved the reusable content blocks that drastically reduced our time spent on updates. The main drawback was the somewhat limited API, which made it a bit challenging to integrate with some of the third-party tools we rely on for customer support.

  • Effortless Documentation with Mobirise - Janet K.

    As a freelance project manager, I needed to create a comprehensive online documentation site for a client's software. After some research, I chose Mobirise for its simplicity and visual-based interface. The drag-and-drop functionality was a godsend, allowing me to focus on content rather than coding. Despite my limited technical skills, I could easily integrate multimedia elements and downloadable files. The live preview feature saved me tons of time, as I could see my changes in real time. However, customizing the site beyond the templates provided was a bit challenging since my HTML/CSS knowledge is pretty basic. But thanks to the wide range of pre-designed blocks, I managed to create a professional-looking site that neatly organized the documentation into categories, making it easy for users to find what they needed. The built-in contact form block was particularly helpful, letting users submit their queries directly through the documentation site. In the end, my client was thrilled with the result, and we've received positive feedback on the usability of the site.

  • GitBook for Collaborative Documentation - Michael T.

    Our software development team needed an effective and collaborative tool to maintain our project documentation. After comparing several options, we decided to use GitBook. We especially liked the integration with GitHub, which allowed us to keep our documentation in sync with our codebase. The markdown editor was intuitive, and importing existing markdown files was seamless. We set up a multi-level structure that catered to both high-level overviews and detailed technical descriptions. One challenge we faced was customizing the GitBook theme to match our company branding. It took us a while to figure out the template language and apply our custom styles. Despite this hurdle, we successfully launched an interactive documentation website that our developers and clients love. It provides a clear version history and the ability to roll back to earlier document versions, which proved to be extremely useful in maintaining the integrity of our documentation as it evolved.

  • Building a Knowledge Base from Scratch with Docusaurus - Tina P.

    As a technical writer tasked with creating a knowledge base for a new software suite, I needed a solution that was both robust and developer-friendly. I chose Docusaurus for its React-based framework, which made it flexible enough to meet all our documentation needs. The initial setup was straightforward, thanks to great documentation and community support. I loved how easy it was to manage the document versions and translations, which was essential for our international user base. Customizing the look and feel to fit our branding was enjoyable, and I appreciated the live reload feature for instant feedback on changes. The biggest challenge was learning enough React to exploit Docusaurus' full potential, but it was well worth the effort. We ended up with a blazing-fast documentation website that was both easily navigable for users and simple to update for our team.

  • Mobirise for Quick Technical Guides - Luke M.

    The challenge was clear; I had to develop a series of bite-sized technical guides for our non-technical stakeholders, and fast. Mobirise stood out as the perfect tool for this rush job due to its ease of use. As someone with a keen eye for design but not deeply versed in web development, I found the pre-built blocks invaluable. Integrating video tutorials was just a matter of a few clicks, which significantly enhanced the comprehensiveness of the guides. However, I hit a snag when I tried to incorporate custom JavaScript for some interactive elements. The platform isn't naturally conducive to heavy scripting, and workarounds weren't immediately obvious. Nevertheless, I managed to implement the necessary features through the Code Editor extension. The project culminated in a sleek, responsive website that succinctly delivered the technical content in an accessible manner. My colleagues were impressed with how quickly I was able to deploy the guides, all thanks to Mobirise's user-friendly platform.

  • Simplified Documentation Process - Jane D.

    Pros: I found the website builder's templates incredibly helpful, as they allowed me to set up a documentation site rather quickly. The drag-and-drop editor was intuitive, and I could customize each page without needing to know any code. Its collaboration features were a lifesaver, allowing my team to work together seamlessly on updating the documentation as our project evolved. I also appreciated the built-in search feature, making navigation through our extensive documentation a breeze for users.

    Cons: While the builder is straightforward to use, I did notice a slight learning curve with some of the more advanced features, which could be daunting for beginners. Also, the template diversity was a bit lacking, and I would have appreciated more variety to better match my project's unique branding needs. Lastly, the mobile responsiveness could be improved, as some users reported formatting issues when accessing the documentation on smartphones and tablets.

  • Efficient Yet Limited - Mark T.

    Pros: This website builder shines when it comes to user-friendliness. Navigating the interface was straightforward and placing content where I needed it couldn't have been easier, thanks to the simple layout controls. The ability to quickly import and export content made managing documentation updates manageable, even as our documentation grew. The added bonus of having automatic save features meant I never had to worry about losing my progress if my browser crashed or I accidentally closed a tab.

    Cons: Despite its ease of use, the website builder fell short when dealing with complex or customized documentation needs. The lack of integration options with some of the other tools we used was a downside, as it meant having to manually update things that could have been automated. Additionally, the customization options were limited, so while I could get a functional site up, creating a unique look that stood out from the default designs wasn't as feasible. Lastly, the customer support, though generally helpful, had longer response times than I would have liked, especially when dealing with urgent issues.

Create free documentation website now!

Begin crafting stunning and swift websites without the need for coding – just drag and drop to design! Enjoy access to a plethora of site blocks, all free for any purpose. Download today at no cost.

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