Html Builder

Build stunning websites! No code, free, with AI. Export and publish anywhere.

Get Started with AI

Embark on crafting your digital presence effortlessly with our cutting-edge AI. This innovative approach translates your initial prompt into a comprehensive website design—creating not just compelling content but also selecting appropriate images and establishing an inviting layout. It's a streamlined process designed to match your vision with precision. Once the AI lays down the foundation, you're not left on your own. The journey continues into personalization through an intuitive HTML builder app. Here, you have the freedom to tweak and refine every aspect, ensuring the final result is not just a reflection of your initial idea but a refined version, customized to perfection.

Made with HTML builder. No code.

An alternative approach for initiating the development of a website using an HTML builder involves downloading the Mobirise app. Once installed, users can explore a vast library of website templates included within the app. This selection process allows for a straightforward method of finding a design that suits the user's needs. With numerous options available, individuals can easily choose a website template that aligns with their envisioned style and functionality, setting a foundational basis for their web project.
Motion Studio
Digital Agency
Mobile App Demo
Development Сompany
Development Сompany
Web Saas App Demo
Web Saas App Demo
Web Saas App Demo
Fresh Cafe
Interior Designer
Vending Machines
Freelancer Resume
Venture Capital Firm
Innovative Design Solutions
Garden Landscaper
Sanitizer Shop
Cocktail Bar
Nonprofit Organization
Web Studio
Marketing Solution Agency
Graphic Designer Portfolio
Pizza Bar
Instagram Growth Agency
Furniture Store
Kids Daycare
Counseling Expert
Art Studio Demo
Research Laboratory
Data Analytics
Illustration Design Demo
Attorney Services
Non-governmental organization
Wooden Workshop
Corporate Demo
Join 2,500,000+ happy users!

Key features

Drag-and-Drop Interface

The drag-and-drop interface simplifies web design by allowing users to visually place elements where they want them on the page. It eliminates the need for coding, making the design process accessible for users with any level of technical skill. By just selecting and moving components, anyone can create complex layouts and designs with ease, resulting in a more efficient and enjoyable web-building experience.

Responsive Templates

Responsive templates automatically adjust your website’s layout to fit any device screen, ensuring a seamless experience for viewers no matter how they access your site. This feature is crucial in today's mobile-dominated browsing, as it supports the visibility and functionality of your website across different platforms. By starting with a responsive template, designers can ensure their projects are future-proofed and accessible to the widest possible audience, boosting the site's reach and effectiveness.

Integrated Security Features

Inbuilt security features help safeguard your website from digital threats like hacking and phishing. Offering peace of mind, these features protect your and your users’ data, ensuring a safe environment for everyone involved. Security tools might include SSL encryption, regular software updates, and secure hosting, which together form a robust defense against prevalent online threats. This is not just about protecting data but also about building trust with your visitors, a crucial component of any successful online presence.

SEO Optimization Tools

Search Engine Optimization tools embedded within the builder allow users to enhance their site’s visibility on search engines. By optimizing site content right from the start, users can significantly increase their chances of ranking higher in search results, driving more organic traffic to their site. These tools might guide keyword placement, meta tags, alt text for images, and more, laying a strong foundation for a website’s long-term success in digital marketing strategies.

Analytics Integration

Integrating analytics tools into your website allows for the collection and analysis of vital data regarding visitor behavior. This information can inform decisions on content updates, design changes, and feature enhancements to better meet the needs of your audience. Understanding how users interact with your site, which pages they frequent, and where they drop off can lead to more targeted and effective improvements, ultimately increasing engagement and conversion rates for your business or personal project.

Custom Code Integration

For those who need more than the basic functionalities, the ability to add custom code allows for limitless personalization and functionality. This feature enables users to implement sophisticated features and integrations that aren't available through standard plugins or widgets. Whether it's embedding third-party tools, creating intricate animations, or adding unique user interaction elements, custom code integration empowers users to bring their most complex ideas to life, giving them the ultimate control over their site's capabilities and design.

AI Generation

AI generation harnesses artificial intelligence to streamline the web design process, offering suggestions for layouts, color schemes, and content based on the industry and purpose of the site. This innovative feature can drastically reduce the time and effort needed to create a professional-looking website, making it accessible for beginners while offering advanced users a starting point for further customization. AI assistance is transforming how we approach web design, making it faster and more intuitive than ever before.

Export and Publish Anywhere

The ability to export and publish your website anywhere gives users unprecedented flexibility. This feature allows for the creation of a site within the platform and then exporting the final product to be hosted on any server or platform of the user's choice. It enables businesses and individuals to maintain control over their web properties and leverage the hosting solutions that best meet their needs, be it for performance, cost, or scalability reasons. This flexibility is an essential consideration for anyone looking to establish a robust online presence.

Offline Mode

Offline mode addresses the challenge of internet dependency in web design by allowing users to work on their projects without an active internet connection. Once reconnected, changes can be synchronized with the online version, ensuring that no progress is lost. This feature is particularly useful for those who travel frequently or have unreliable internet access, ensuring that work on their website can continue uninterrupted. It promotes productivity and flexibility, allowing for the continuation of web development activities under various circumstances.

How to build websites with HTML builder?

Download Mobirise App

The first crucial step is to download the Mobirise application. Navigate to the official Mobirise website, select the version compatible with your operating system (Windows/Mac), and proceed with the download. Upon successful installation, launch the application to start creating your website with a user-friendly, drag-and-drop interface that requires no coding skills.

Choose Your Starting Point

Once Mobirise is up and running, you're presented with options for how you wish to begin: use the AI Website Builder for guided creation, select from ready-made templates for quick customization, or start from a blank page to unleash your creativity. Each option caters to different levels of expertise and project visions, empowering you to take the first step in crafting your perfect website.

Add and Customize Blocks

With your canvas set, it's time to construct your site by adding blocks. Mobirise offers a wide variety of pre-designed blocks such as headers, galleries, sliders, and contact forms. Drag and drop these blocks onto your page, and customize them to fit your content and style. Adjust colors, fonts, and imagery to mirror your brand identity, ensuring your website stands out and speaks directly to your audience.

Optimize for Mobile

Mobirise is inherently designed to produce mobile-friendly websites, ensuring your creation looks great on any device. Utilize the platform's built-in features to preview and adjust your site's mobile appearance. This step is crucial as mobile responsiveness greatly affects usability and search engine rankings. Take the time to review each page and block for optimal display on smartphones and tablets, enhancing user experience across all platforms.

Preview and Test Your Website

Before publishing, thoroughly preview and test your website. Mobirise provides a Preview feature that allows you to view your site as it will appear live. Check all links, buttons, forms, and media elements for functionality. It's also essential to review your website across different browsers and devices to ensure compatibility and functionality, guaranteeing a seamless experience for all visitors.

Publish Your Website

Finally, with your website refined and ready, it's time to publish. Mobirise offers various publishing options, including direct upload via FTP to your hosting server, saving to a local drive for manual upload, or publishing to a free Mobirise site. Choose the method that best suits your needs. After publishing, share your site's URL with the world and monitor its performance to make ongoing improvements.

Create website in minutes with HTML builder!

Creating a website has never been easier. Simply drag pre-made blocks into place to craft your site's structure. These blocks cover a range of functions and designs, accommodating various sections of your online presence. Once the layout aligns with your vision, replace the placeholder content with your own text, images, and media. And just like that, your website is ready to go live, boasting a professional look with personal touches, all achieved with minimal effort and no coding required.

Best HTML builder

Mobirise HTML Builder is an intuitive and powerful drag-and-drop website builder designed for both novice and experienced developers. It offers a vast library of pre-designed blocks and themes that cater to various industries and purposes, allowing users to create fully responsive, mobile-friendly websites without writing a single line of code. The platform supports contemporary web technologies, including HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript, providing a robust foundation for creating high-quality, professional websites. Furthermore, Mobirise integrates seamlessly with a wide range of third-party services and plugins, enhancing functionality and user engagement. Unlock your website's potential by downloading Mobirise for Windows or Mac via the buttons below or explore its capabilities with AI-driven design tools.

Edit locally, upload wherever

Publish your website effortlessly to a local drive, FTP, or *, or even connect a custom domain for a personalized touch. Avoid being confined to a singular platform or service provider. Embrace the freedom of owning your website entirely, ensuring you maintain full control. This versatility ensures that no matter where your online journey takes you, your site remains distinctively yours, adaptable and ready for any changes or opportunities that come your way.

How to Create a Website Using HTML/CSS Editor

Adding HTML Editor to Mobirise HTML Builder takes it to the next level.
Review from Mobirise user

My friend, of whom owns a construction company, was pleased to have me design a mobile-friendly website to include all of his services and branding materials. I did so in two days by using the HTML Builder with its powerful HTML/CSS Editor feature. It all started with simple cosmetic changes, worked my way up to renovating large houses, then to residential and industrial complexes. After completing his request, I knew it was time to write this article.

As a designer, I had to offer website creation for clients, so I began with WordPress. Then, I found the HTML builder and realized its logical and streamlined design. I was convinced this was the software to use in my work, and it has since become part of my daily routine.

I'm a fan of "If anything is worth doing, do it the right way", so when I started using HTML5 Builder, I recognized I was coming up against several minor missing pieces that couldn't be filled and were requiring me to make adjustments to my plan or accept a compromise. Over time, I got to use all of HTML5 Builder's features and these minor roadblocks came into light.

"No way they didn't think of a way to make this terrific program better!" I exclaimed. Sure enough, HTML Builder and HTML Editor have done just that. With its advanced design features and range of options, HTML Builder makes for an incredibly attractive HTML5 site. What's more, refining it with HTML Editor is a breeze – no extensive studying or time-consuming processes required!

To be able to apply this tutorial, not much coding experience is required; being able to copy/paste and change a few details such as colors and fonts is enough. You do not need to search for long either, as the comments inside the code specified which values to adapt for your website.


Hover your cursor over a previously placed block in your website project and click the blue icon to remove it. With Mobirise's HTML Maker UI its natural and intuitive to design a webpage using HTML and CSS. You have two options available in the fly out: adjust the style by applying new CSS declarations, or you can add HTML and CSS but the block parameter editing function will be disabled.

Switch up the appearance of your HTML generator by going to the Account section in the App Settings. There, you'll be presented with three different styles to choose from.

It's easier to make modifications to HTML and CSS with full-screen mode for both M5 (Bootstrap 5) and AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) themes. With the blue eye-like button in the bottom right corner of the HTML creator, you can inspect the changes. After making adjustments, simply apply them, and you'll be able to observe both in the HTML creator and the app. Don't worry if you make a mistake, you can quickly undo/redo anything as needed.

It's critical to have an understanding of HTML and CSS to take advantage of the many features of advanced software. Pick the building block which best embodies your vision and then further fine-tune it through both block parameters and CSS declarations. After, you'll be able to access the HTML editor for added and special modifications. To get a better idea, here are some of the examples I have come across that are quite easy and which a non-programmer can understand.

When constructing an HTML website, a helpful HTML builder can help you write code correctly in a visual way. As you're typing, the text is coloured and it will alert you if you make a mistake - most notably if you forgot to include a "}". It will then prompt you not to save before the error is fixed. In my experience, I was usually forgetting to add a "}" at the end.

Adding a little spice to the words

Entering lines of website HTML code into the HTML Maker Custom CSS box will enable you to create custom text styles. Pencil in some code and you may be able to modify the color of the highlight, plus the text underneath! Here's the code you'll need to do that:

::selection {
    background: rgba(71, 22, 221, 0.5);
    color: #000;
::-moz-selection {
    background: rgba(71, 22, 221, 0.5);
    color: #000;
Drag and Drop HTML Builder
Drag and Drop HTML Builder

A semi-transparent highlight color may have been used, however, solid RGB or HEX could have just as easily worked.

To achieve the look of a storybook or magazine, you can employ custom CSS to alter the first letter or line of a paragraph.

/*select to which stile to apply: paragraph - p, heading - h1-h6*/
p:first-letter { 
/*adjust the letter position for best appearance*/
    margin:5px 5px 0 5px!important; 
/*set color and size*/

Drag and Drop HTML Builder

If you want to create a website with a consistent style regardless of the display, review the first line and examine how it is organized. While the length of the line might differ across various displays, the organization must be taken into account as just replacing characters with lines will not guarantee a desired look. The best way to preview the design is to adjust the browser's window width and keep monitoring until needed changes are made.

To achieve a noteworthy style when quoting, make use of attractive quotation marks and text spotlight instead of the normal quoting approach. To give this effect to all of the text in a paragraph of text, this code can be utilized:

p {
    background: #f9f9f9;
    border-left: 10px solid #ccc;
    margin: 1.5em 10px;
    padding: .5em 10px;
    quotes: "201C""201D""2018""2019";

p:before {
    color: #ccc;
    content: open-quote;
    font-size: 4em;
    line-height: .1em;
    margin-right: .25em;
    vertical-align: -.4em;
p {
    display: inline;

p:after {          
    color: #ccc;
    content: close-quote;
    font-size: 4em;
    line-height: .1em;
    margin-right: .25em;
    vertical-align: -.4em;

If necessary, adjust the colors of the quotation marks and backdrop.

Overrule the navbar and buttons

The navbar background's opacity

I try to maintain a feeling of subtlety and lightness in my visuals, so I ran some tests to determine if transparent or video backgrounds would help to achieve this goal. The outcome? I found that both solutions brought that desired look to my visuals.

A majority of us likely consider two particular ubiquitous looks to be the most fitting.

The two necessary lines of code to allow the opacity of the navbar to be modified - simply fill in the custom CSS area - are as follows; when scrolling down the page, the navbar will become sticky, with a transparent result on its starting position and only a hint of color. Once stuck in place, the color will emerge a little more, yet it will still remain semitransparent throughout.

/*sets semitransparent color to sticky navbar*/
.mbr-navbar--stuck& .mbr-navbar__section {
    background: rgba(9, 67, 136, 0.5)!important;

/*sets semitransparent color to top navbar */
.mbr-navbar__section {
     background: rgba(9, 67, 136, 0.9);


Should you decide to keep the static navbar transparent, all you need to do is either remove the second code block or add a '*/' right at the end of the last line and make it a comment. The former will insure the semitransparent hue is given to the sticky navbar.

The menu's color

RGB refers to the combination of Red, Green, and Blue hues that make any color possible. If you want to customize the opacity of your color, however, the last value in the brackets is what you need to focus on - a value of 1 is a solid color, and 0 features full translucency. Practicing and experimenting with this variable should help you find the specific level of transparency you desire.

If you want to obtain the RGB values for the hue desired, there's no need to wrack your brains - you can use this handy online palette, which gives you numbers that are ideal for quick copy & paste. Additionally, you can opt to use your favorite image editing software as well.

His wishes included that all of his company's services be displayed on his website as well as in branding materials. Knowing the importance and complexity of a web page having styling elements from outside sources and needing assistance from our custom CSS codes to sequentially override the styling parameters, the HTML Builder Block was specially used to aid.

Adding "!important" can be used to make sure that our goals are achieved; it is a physical way of calling attention to it.

The importance of custom CSS declarations should not be underestimated. If decorating components that offer partial changing by using Block Options Flyout, this is essential to take into account. It's also to be aware that even if the corresponding option in the Block Options may appear not to work, it will still be in effect when overridden by the same setting in the Block Options. Therefore, it's advised to remember the precisely set up "critical" rules while styling a project.

Stylings have been applied to the brand name and menu items.

The navbar's ability to reflect a brand name's weight is something that can't be configured with Block Options - a feature not to be overlooked. To alter it, go to the Custom CSS section and paste the following code:

/*sets the weight of the brand name in navbar possible values are normal | bold | bolder | lighter | 100 | 200 .. to 900  */

.mbr-brand__name {

and change “lighter” to the weight you find most appropriate.

a bolder font for menu items to make them stand out. Menu items should have a bolder font to provide a better contrast and make them more discernible. The exact weight of the font can be adjusted to match the style you’re going for.

.mbr-buttons__link instead of .mbr-brand__name

Changing the appearance of website buttons

By using a small method – the pre-made code from a button generator from the internet – I was able to have total control over the buttons' appearance. You can find the button generator here.

Using a visual interface, you can personalize the majority of the button options. Copy the code and paste it into the Custom CSS box, then add a line to the font family defining its weight - the only change you should make.

It is wise to remember: when it comes to blocks with multiple buttons, the process is simpler: just paste the code and if need be, modify the font. If though, you are only modifying one of the buttons in the block, it would be a wise idea to make the desired color changes before styling.

Starting off with cosmetic renovations, we gradually stepped things up into taking on family homes, and eventually moved on to larger projects such as residential and industrial complexes.

You would want to replace “.btn” with:

“.btn-default” to affect transparent with white border;
“.btn-primary” to affect gray and so on:
“.btn-success” - green;
“.btn-info” - blue;
“.btn-warning” - yellow;
“.btn-danger” - orange;
“.btn-link” - transparent;


To style all the buttons in the navbar area, replace “.btn” with ".mbr-buttons__btn"

Adding a submenu to a dropdown menu

I recently attempted something new with HTML website coding and ultimately discovered a solution to a vexing problem: creating submenu items that extend from the main navigation menu. After grueling trial and error, I was able to piece together the right code, culminating in a sleek and responsive flyout menu that properly formats. HTML Website Builder allows anybody to construct an elegant page without nearly any work, however now they have to possibility of a superior navigation menu.

To ensure that the Block Options are personalized to match your preferences, it is advisable to unlock the HTML Editor first. This way, you are now ready to change the accessible options that are available to you!

In the HTML Editor, scroll down until you find the nav> tag, then pick the entire tag (in human language, start with nav> and end with /nav>).

Prior articles of mine have explained I'm more competent with Illustrator and Photoshop, so building websites came about out of a necessity due to customer needs. After that, replace the selected code with the following:

    <nav class="mbr-navbar__menu-box mbr-navbar__menu-box--inline-right">
    <div class="mbr-navbar__column">
       <ul class="mbr-navbar__items mbr-navbar__items--right mbr-buttons mbr-buttons--freeze mbr-buttons--right btn-decorator mbr-buttons--active mbr-buttons--only-links">
           <li class="mbr-navbar__item">
               <a class="mbr-buttons__link btn text-white mbr-editable-menu-item" href="" style="font-size: 14px;">HOME </a>
           <!--this is the dropdown menu entry -->
            <li class="dropdown mbr-navbar__item open">
               <a class="dropdown-toggle mbr-buttons__link btn text-white mbr-editable-menu-item" data-toggle="dropdown" href="" aria-expanded="true" style="font-size: 14px;">
                   ABOUT<!-- remove comment tags to show the arrow <span class="caret"></span>-->
                   <div class="dropdown-backdrop"></div>
                       <ul class="dropdown-menu pif-dropdown">
                           <!--these are the dropdown menu items -->
                           <!--replace # with target link and "Page.." with title -->
                           <li><a class="mbr-buttons__link btn mbr-editable-menu-item text-white" style="font-size: 14px" href="#">Page 1-1</a></li>
                           <li><a class="mbr-buttons__link btn mbr-editable-menu-item text-white" style="font-size: 14px" href="#">Page 1-2</a></li>
                           <li><a class="mbr-buttons__link btn mbr-editable-menu-item text-white" style="font-size: 14px" href="#">Page 1-3</a></li>
           <!--end of dropdown -->
               <li class="mbr-navbar__item">
                   <a class="mbr-buttons__link btn text-white mbr-editable-menu-item" href="" style="font-size: 14px;">CONTACT</a>

Next paste this in the Custom CSS area:

/* dropdown styling */
/* background and text color */
.pif-dropdown {
    background: rgba(9, 67, 136, 0.9);
.dropdown-menu > li > a {
/* highlight on hover */
    background: rgba(9, 67, 136, 0.9)!important;
    /* dimensions */
    .dropdown-menu {
        top: 70%;
        min-width: 80px;
/* open on hover - make sure to enable the caret if you disable it */
    ul.mbr-navbar__items li:hover > ul.dropdown-menu {
        display: block;

Final measure: View the options of your current page (represented by the green gear icon) in the App Main Menu organized under the Pages tab. Paste the fallowing code in the “Inside <head> code:” section:

<script src=""></script>

When you hover over the wonderful dropdown menu, you'll notice the background has been changed to resemble a semi-transparent wave that we are cruising along. To better customize the rows for your website, use the advice in the comments. The wonderful thing is that you can still fine-tune the links and appearance with the HTML Builder Interface, and even duplicate them if needed. So, have some fun with it! That's all I've got.

Creating an accordion block that may be edited

Having access to a plentiful supply of blocks that are readily available to be added and edited, HTML website builder is a godsend. All you gotta do is to insert the right codes in the right place, and you are off and running. In order to have an accordion block included in your project, here are the scripts one must use.:

Inside <head> code (in page settings dialog):

    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>

In a custom HTML block’s editor:

<!-- This is the accordion html website code -->
    <div class="panel-group" id="accordion" role="tablist" aria-multiselectable="true">
        <div class="panel panel-default">
            <div class="panel-heading" role="tab">
                <h2 class="panel-title">
                    <a class="mbr-editable-menu-item text-white" data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#accordion" href="#collapse1" aria-expanded="true" aria-controls="collapse1">This is a Caption</a>
                <div id="collapse1" class="panel-collapse collapse" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="heading1" aria-expanded="false" style="height: 0px;">
                    <div class="panel-body mbr-article mbr-editable-full">
                        <p>And this is the first paragraph</p>
            <div class="panel panel-default">
                <div class="panel-heading" role="tab" id="heading2">
                    <h2 class="panel-title">
                        <a class="mbr-editable-menu-item" data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#accordion" href="#collapse2" aria-expanded="true" aria-controls="collapse2">
                    <div id="collapse2" class="panel-collapse collapse" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="heading2" aria-expanded="false">
                    <div class="panel-body mbr-article mbr-editable-full">
                    <p>sdv adv ws vadfv adfv asd</p>
            <!-- This is an accordion element - copy/paste if you need more -->
            <div class="panel panel-default">
                <div class="panel-heading" role="tab" id="heading3">
                    <h4 class="panel-title">
                        <a class="mbr-editable-menu-item" data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#accordion" href="#collapse3" aria-expanded="true" aria-controls="collapse3">
                <div id="collapse3" class="panel-collapse collapse" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="heading3" aria-expanded="false">
                    <div class="panel-body mbr-article mbr-editable-full">
                        <p>scqaerf qef qecv ef qerf qef e</p>
            <!-- This is the end of the accordion element -->          

In the CSS Editor section of the same block:

/*@import url(undefined);*/
a {text-decoration:none;}
a:active, { outline:none; }
    align-content: center;
/*set the panel color here - not neccessary a transparen one */
        background-color:rgba(10, 20, 66, 0.5);

Once color adjustments have been made, examine the appearance. Opting for either semi-transparent or solid RGB or HEX backgrounds will work best.

Only recently did I come to find the amazing HTML bootstrap builder, a top-of-the-line piece of software. After you set up, you can directly alter the headings and content on the program's graphical interface. Nonetheless, if you wish to include an extra accordion element, you can do so by copying and pasting the code onto an HTML editor, with guidance from the comments. It all began with WordPress, but has now changed into something powerful.

Sustainability and editability: two important goals to strive for!

Thanks to the excellent design of Mobirise, you're able to change the content of your custom pieces, while maintaining the same design, by adjusting the visual interface. Just add some of the native classes to see your changes come to life!The following are examples of such classes:


add them to the style=”..” of your new elements and watch the magic happen!

By using mbr-article class, I made sure the content displayed in the accordion was sustainable.

Once you take the time to configure it, custom blocks provide a rewarding experience - one that is both flexible and easy to use. Put in the effort and you'll save yourself a lot of time and trouble. Don't be afraid to take risks and appreciate your successes!

About coding

My intrigue with the enormous potential of HTML Creation was the primary reason I researched further. The resource I utilized was W3C Schools, which presented numerous examples as well as comprehensive and easy-to-follow instructions concerning HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap. Although I was already knowledgeable in CSS when I began my investigation, I found that this website gifted me with a wealth of knowledge which helped in the development of this essay. My knowledge combined with my ambition and the information obtained from W3C enabled me to reach the conclusions stated.

If learning HTML to design a website isn't something you have time for, my tip is to browse the introductory tutorials and make sure you have the website at hand for when you face an issue. It'll do you a world of good!

Mobirise HTML : design websites without limits

Mobirise HTML Website Builder gives users a powerful tool to create stunning websites easily, but sometimes their creative vision gets constrained by all the predefined options. Fortunately, the HTML Editor is available for those who want to go beyond the ordinary!

Designers can go as far as their ideas and experience allow by using our clean and uncluttered interface, which is a fusion of HTML and styling possibilities. Nothing but our own creativity and capability can limit us.

As designers, we have the vision and soon found that coding wasn't difficult to master. Allowing us to utilize the supreme Website builder HTML Editor, the limits are virtually nonexistent. Now everyone can learn to create a Website with HTML and CSS quickly! Have a blast!

Popular HTML builder blocks

    • 🌐 <html> The <html> element is the root of an HTML document, serving as the container for all other HTML elements (except for the <!DOCTYPE> declaration). It informs the web browser that the content within its opening and closing tags is written in HTML, the standard markup language for creating web pages. By containing all the content of a website, including the <head> and <body> tags, it plays a crucial role in structuring web documents. Proper use of the <html> tag is essential for web accessibility, search engine optimization, and ensuring that documents are displayed correctly across different browsers.
    • 🗂 <head> The <head> element is a container for metadata (data about data) and is placed between the <html> tag and the <body> tag. Metadata typically includes information not visible directly on the web page such as the character set, title, styles (CSS), links to external files, scripts, and other resources. The content inside the <head> element helps browsers to process and render the page correctly, influences how search engines index the page, and contributes to the overall user experience without being directly visible to the users. Proper configuration of the head section is crucial for web performance and SEO.
    • 📜 <title> The <title> element defines the title of the document, which is shown in a browser's title bar or on the page's tab. It is a child element of the <head> tag and is critical for web accessibility, usability, and search engine optimization. The text within the <title> tag helps users identify the contents of a web page and is the first impression many people will have of the webpage. It also plays a significant role in bookmarking, sharing, and in the display of search engine results, making it essential for effectively conveying the page's purpose and content.
    • 🏠 <body> The <body> element contains the contents of an HTML document, such as text, images, videos, and other media or browser-supported content. Located between the opening and closing <html> tags, but after the <head> section, it defines the document's body section. The content within the <body> is what users interact with and view in their web browser. It is the canvas where web designers and developers can bring their website designs to life. Properly structuring the <body> element is essential for creating an accessible, intuitive, and engaging user experience on the web.
    • 📝 <h1>–<h6> The <h1> through <h6> tags are used for heading elements in HTML, providing a hierarchical structure for web content. These elements rank in importance from <h1> being the most important (typically the main page title or main heading) down to <h6>, the least important. Effective use of these tags not only helps organize and clearly define the page’s content for users but also plays a significant role in search engine optimization (SEO) by signaling the importance of content sections to search engine algorithms. Properly nested headings enhance accessibility and navigability, making web content more accessible to users with assistive technologies.
    • 📄 <p> The <p> element represents a paragraph in HTML. It is a block-level element that automatically generates some margin space above and below itself to separate it visually from adjacent elements. As one of the most fundamental elements for structuring text on the web, it is used to group together related sentences into a cohesive block of text, making the content more readable and easier to digest. Proper use of paragraphs is essential for creating a well-structured, accessible, and SEO-friendly web document. It allows web developers and content creators to present their messages more clearly and effectively.
    • 🔗 <a> The <a> element, also known as the anchor tag, defines a hyperlink which allows users to jump from one document or location to another. The attribute 'href' specifies the URL of the page the link goes to. If the href attribute is not present, the <a> tag will not be a hyperlink. <a> elements can also be used to create links to sections within the same document using fragment identifiers. Employing hyperlinks correctly is crucial for navigating the vast information on the internet, making websites more interconnected, user-friendly, and easier to navigate.
    • 📸 <img> The <img> element embeds an image into an HTML document. As a self-closing tag, it does not require an end tag and primarily uses the 'src' attribute to specify the path to the image file, and the 'alt' attribute to provide alternative text for the image. This alternative text is crucial for accessibility, as it describes the image to users who are unable to see it, including those using screen readers. The proper use of the <img> tag contributes significantly to web design by allowing the incorporation of visual elements that enhance the user experience and the visual appeal of a website.
    • 📂 <div> The <div> element is a generic container in HTML that is used for grouping together elements for styling purposes using CSS or for performing certain tasks with JavaScript. It does not inherently represent anything beyond a division or section of the document, but it can be used to create structure in HTML documents. When combined with CSS ID and class attributes, <div> elements can effectively organize web content and layout, contributing significantly to the layout and design of web pages. The flexibility of the <div> tag makes it indispensable in the development of responsive and well-structured websites.
    • 📋 <span> The <span> element is an inline container used to mark up a part of a text, or a portion of a document, for styling or scripting purposes. Unlike the <div> element, which is block-level, <span> does not inherently introduce a line break, making it ideal for applying styles or classes to small pieces of content without disrupting the document flow. It is a versatile tool in HTML that helps with precision styling and modifications of text segments or other inline elements, thus playing a crucial role in web design and content management to improve readability, emphasis, and aesthetic appeal.
    • 🔳 <input> The <input> element is a versatile component of HTML forms, used to create interactive controls for web-based forms to collect data from the user. Depending on the 'type' attribute, it can render in various ways, including as text fields, checkboxes, radio buttons, and buttons. Proper incorporation of the <input> element into web forms is essential for creating dynamic and user-friendly experiences, enabling users to submit information securely and conveniently. This element supports a broad range of functionality to cater to different data input requirements, enhancing the interactivity and functionality of web applications.
    • 🔘 <button> The <button> element represents a clickable button, used to submit forms or trigger interactive actions within web pages. Its versatility allows it to be used for everything from submitting forms to controlling multimedia. Properly implementing <button> elements within web content enhances user interaction and engagement, promoting a responsive and interactive user experience. Buttons can be styled extensively with CSS and manipulated with JavaScript, making them fundamental elements in creating effective and intuitive interfaces in web development.
    • 📝 <form> The <form> element represents a document section that contains interactive controls to submit information to a web server. It can include a variety of form elements like text fields, checkboxes, radio buttons, and buttons. Forms are essential for tasks ranging from logging in, searching, and online shopping, to any instance where user input is required. The thoughtful layout and structuring of forms, leveraging the <form> element, are key to creating efficient, user-friendly, and accessible online experiences. This fosters effective communication and data collection methods between users and websites, reinforcing the interactive nature of the modern web.
    • 🔗 <link> The <link> element is used to define a relationship between the current document and an external resource. This tag is most commonly used within the document's <head> section to link to external style sheets, but it can also be used for other purposes like linking to a favicon or RSS feed. Proper use of the <link> element is crucial for web developers looking to enhance their site’s aesthetics with CSS, boost performance, or improve site discoverability. By linking to external sources efficiently, developers can maintain cleaner code and promote a faster loading experience for users.
    • 🔧 <meta> The <meta> element represents metadata about the HTML document that cannot be represented by other HTML meta-related elements like <base>, <link>, <script>, <style>, or <title>. <meta> elements can control the browser behavior, such as viewport settings, character set declaration, and the description of the document, which is often used by search engines to summarize the content of a page. Proper use of the <meta> tag is essential for ensuring web pages are optimized for search engine visibility, responsive design, and overall user experience, influencing how documents interact with web browsers and search engines.

Who is the HTML builder for?

  • Novice Web Designers Novice web designers are individuals at the initial stages of exploring web design, typically learning the basics of HTML, CSS, and possibly JavaScript. They benefit immensely from using an HTML builder as it allows them to visually construct web pages without deep coding knowledge. This hands-on approach helps them understand the structure and styling of web pages more intuitively. Comparatively, they may not utilize advanced features as extensively as professional designers but appreciate user-friendly interfaces and templates that accelerate their learning curve. HTML builders are crucial for them, providing a sandbox to experiment and learn from immediate visual feedback.
  • Professional Web Developers Professional web developers have extensive experience in programming and web development. They use HTML builders to streamline their workflow, particularly for rapid prototyping or when working on projects that do not require custom coding from scratch. These users appreciate features like custom HTML and CSS integration, script editing, and the ability to export code for further refinement. Compared to novices, professionals leverage HTML builders as a time-saving tool rather than a learning platform. They find value in the builders' efficiency, flexibility, and the capability to maintain code quality while speeding up the development process.
  • Content Creators Content creators, such as bloggers and marketers, often focus on creating compelling content without necessarily having a background in web development. An HTML builder is invaluable to them because it enables the design and publication of engaging, visually appealing content with ease. They particularly benefit from drag-and-drop interfaces, pre-designed templates, and the ability to embed multimedia elements without touching code. Compared to more technical users, content creators prefer intuitive, no-code solutions that maintain a professional appearance. HTML builders empower them to focus on content quality without worrying about the underlying technology.
  • eCommerce Store Owners eCommerce store owners utilize HTML builders to craft and maintain their online storefronts without extensive technical knowledge. They need tools that support easy integration with payment systems, inventory management, and customer feedback forms. HTML builders with templates tailored for eCommerce, drag-and-drop product listing adjustments, and easy customization options are especially beneficial for them. Unlike content creators, their primary interest lies in the functionality that boosts sales and improves the customer shopping experience. HTML builders enable them to quickly adapt their sites in response to market trends or consumer feedback without needing a developer.
  • Non-profit Organizations Non-profit organizations often operate with limited budgets and may lack dedicated IT staff. For them, an HTML builder offers a cost-effective way to create and manage their online presence, emphasizing community engagement and fundraising activities. They require features like easy-to-use form builders for donations, event sign-ups, and volunteer registration. Compared to commercial enterprises, non-profits focus more on message and mission communication than on complex functionality. HTML builders provide them with the ability to craft persuasive storytelling platforms, integrating social media and email campaigns to maximize their reach and impact without significant investment.
  • Educators and Students Educators and students in the realm of web design and development use HTML builders as learning tools and for working on projects. They benefit from features that support collaborative work, version control, and access to a variety of templates that can be used for educational purposes. Compared to professional developers, their focus is more on understanding principles and experimenting with design and functionality than on deploying commercial websites. HTML builders offer them a breadth of learning resources and the ability to see the immediate results of code changes, making these tools an integral part of their educational experience.
  • Freelancers Freelancers operating in the web development and design space use HTML builders to manage a diverse portfolio of client projects efficiently. They value the speed with which they can produce prototypes and final products, the flexibility to customize extensively, and the ability to work across different types of projects with varying complexities. Compared to in-house developers, freelancers face a higher need for versatility and efficiency to meet client expectations and tight deadlines. HTML builders serve as a key resource in their toolkit, allowing them to deliver quality work with less effort and in shorter timeframes.

eCommerce ready

Revolutionize your Mobirise website with cutting-edge e-commerce functionalities: Smart Cart and Simple Shop extensions. Seamlessly embed a shop interface, effortlessly update dynamic product cards, and streamline your sales process as orders are directly routed to WhatsApp, email, Stripe, or PayPal. These tools are designed for ease, enabling users to manage their online storefront with minimal fuss, transforming their website into a powerful, responsive, and highly efficient online selling platform.

Choosing the right HTML builder

    • Wix Wix is a cloud-based web development platform that provides users with the ability to create HTML5 websites and mobile sites through the use of their online drag and drop tools. Wix is known for its ease of use, empowering individuals with no coding skills to create professional-looking sites. The builder offers a wide range of templates and designs, making it flexible for different types of websites. While Wix has a free plan, more advanced features and functionalities require a subscription, which might not be the most cost-effective for all. A drawback is that once you choose a template, you cannot switch it without starting over. However, it provides robust features related to HTML building, including animation, video backgrounds, and an extensive app market.
    • Squarespace Squarespace stands out for its high-quality design templates, appealing to users desiring professional and aesthetically pleasing websites. It offers considerable flexibility with its drag-and-drop interface, making it easy to customize layouts. Squarespace is somewhat more expensive compared to other builders, but it justifies its cost through superior design templates and comprehensive features that cater to businesses, bloggers, and creatives. Its main disadvantage is a steeper learning curve for complete beginners. However, users gain access to sophisticated design capabilities, integrated eCommerce features, and excellent customer support. Squarespace efficiently combines functionality with beauty, making it a powerful tool for HTML website creation.
    • Weebly Weebly is considered one of the most user-friendly HTML builders available. It's particularly favored by small businesses and entrepreneurs because of its simplicity and the comprehensive tools it offers at a relatively low cost. The platform provides a variety of templates and customization options, although its design flexibility might be somewhat limited compared to other builders. Additionally, while it's cost-effective, especially with the basic features, some advanced tools and functionalities require premium plans. A notable downside is its limited undo functionality. Despite this, Weebly excels at offering an intuitive drag-and-drop interface, integrated eCommerce features, and SEO tools, making it an excellent choice for those prioritizing ease of use and affordability.
    • WordPress with Elementor Combining WordPress with the Elementor page builder creates a powerful platform for designing HTML websites. WordPress itself is known for its flexibility and extensive plugin ecosystem, while Elementor enhances its capabilities with a user-friendly drag-and-drop interface. This combination allows for a high degree of customization, making it suitable for almost any type of website. The learning curve might be slightly higher due to the vast options available, but it remains a cost-effective solution, especially with the free versions of both WordPress and Elementor. The main drawback is the potential for plugin conflicts, which can impact site performance. However, for users seeking unparalleled customization and control, this is a formidable option for HTML website creation.
    • Adobe Dreamweaver Adobe Dreamweaver is a comprehensive web development tool that offers a mix of visual and code editing features for creating HTML websites. Aimed at professionals and those with coding knowledge, it provides extensive flexibility in design and functionality. Dreamweaver integrates with other Adobe Creative Cloud apps, enhancing its capabilities, especially in graphics and multimedia. It is less user-friendly for beginners due to its complexity and is also one of the more expensive options when considering the required Adobe Creative Cloud subscription. Despite its cost, Dreamweaver is prized for its powerful coding environment, live preview features, and comprehensive support for modern web development standards, making it ideal for experienced web developers.
    • Shopify Shopify is predominantly an eCommerce platform but deserves mention for its HTML website builder capabilities, especially for users creating online stores. It melds ease of use with powerful eCommerce functionalities, offering beautifully designed templates that are optimized for sales. While Shopify excels in building eCommerce websites, it is less flexible for non-eCommerce projects. Additionally, it can become quite costly, especially when adding apps and third-party themes. The platform's advantage lies in its integrated payment processing, extensive app marketplace, and robust security features. For users focused on eCommerce, Shopify presents a practical, albeit specialized, HTML website building solution.
    • Site123 Site123 is acknowledged for its simplicity and quick setup, targeting users who want to create a website without the hassle. It provides a straightforward approach to website building with its ready-made styles and layouts, significantly speeding up the development process. However, this simplicity comes at the cost of customization flexibility, as it offers fewer design options and adjustments compared to other builders. Site123 is cost-effective for fundamental website needs, but more advanced features might require upgrading to paid plans. Despite its limitations, Site123 remains a credible option for novices looking for an easy, no-frills approach to HTML website construction.
    • Mobirise As a great alternative to the previously mentioned builders, Mobirise offers a unique approach by being an offline website builder, providing users with the flexibility to create websites on their desktop without the need for an internet connection. Mobirise is favored for its ease of use, modern templates, and drag-and-drop functionality, making it accessible for users with little to no coding knowledge. It stands out for its emphasis on responsive, mobile-optimized websites. While it is free to download and use, some extensions and themes require purchase. Its offline nature offers unparalleled control over the development process but might lack the immediacy of support and real-time collaboration available on cloud-based platforms. Its capabilities make it a competitive choice for users valuing independence from online services and those who prioritize design and responsiveness in their HTML website building projects.

Best free HTML builder

Mobirise HTML Builder is an innovative, user-friendly software designed for creating small to medium-sized websites, landing pages, online resumes, and portfolios without requiring deep technical knowledge or coding skills. It utilizes a straightforward drag-and-drop interface, empowering users to build visually appealing, responsive websites efficiently. With a vast library of website blocks, templates, and themes, Mobirise offers extensive customization options catering to various industries and purposes. It supports direct editing, enabling real-time website adjustments. It is ideal for non-tech savvy users aiming to publish websites quickly. Amplify your web presence by crafting professional-grade websites effortlessly using Mobirise. Download it using the buttons below to get started.

Edit code of any HTML blocks

Enhance your Mobirise experience with the Code Editor extension, an essential tool designed for customization enthusiasts. This powerful addition allows you to directly edit HTML, inject personal scripts, and modify CSS to your preference, offering a new level of flexibility and control over your website's design and functionality. Whether you're aiming to refine aesthetics or integrate bespoke features, the Code Editor extension is your gateway to tailor your projects precisely to your vision.


What is an HTML builder?

An HTML builder is a software or online tool that provides a user-friendly interface to create web pages visually, without the need to write code manually. It often comes with drag-and-drop functionality, pre-designed templates, and various customization options.

Why should I use an HTML builder?

Using an HTML builder can save you time and effort, especially if you are not familiar with coding. It allows for quick creation and editing of web pages, making it easier to maintain and update your website. Moreover, it can help achieve a professional-looking design without the need for a web designer.

Who can benefit from using an HTML builder?

Anyone looking to create or manage a website can benefit from using an HTML builder. This includes small business owners, bloggers, artists, and educators who wish to establish an online presence without delving into the complexities of web development.

What are the key features to look for in an HTML builder?

Key features to look for include ease of use, a wide range of templates, customization options, responsiveness (i.e., mobile-friendly design), integration capabilities with other tools, and SEO features to help your website rank better in search engine results.

Can I use an HTML builder for free?

Yes, many HTML builders offer a free version with basic functionalities. However, advanced features and additional resources like premium templates, custom domain integration, and ad-free hosting often require a paid subscription.

Why is Mobirise considered a great option for an HTML builder?

Mobirise is considered a great option due to its user-friendly interface, wide variety of modern templates, drag-and-drop functionality, and extensive customization options. It also offers the flexibility to be used offline, making it unique compared to other online-only HTML builders.

Custom forms

Craft your custom contact form effortlessly and ensure you gather precisely the information you need from your customers. With the Form Builder extension for Mobirise, the hassle of backend management is eliminated. Once your site is live, you start receiving emails without delay. This extension allows you to construct tailored forms featuring diverse fields, streamlining the process of connecting with your audience and simplifying data collection. Elevate your online presence and improve customer interactions seamlessly.

User Reviews about HTML builder

  • Effortless Design Experience - John D.

    Choosing an HTML builder was crucial for the success of my digital portfolio. I settled on this particular HTML builder due to its vast template library, which provided an excellent starting point. Initially, I was concerned about customizing these templates to fit my personal brand. However, the drag-and-drop interface made this process surprisingly swift and intuitive. One significant positive was the builder's real-time editing feature, allowing me to see changes instantaneously. The downside was the learning curve related to advanced features; it took time and effort to fully utilize the SEO and analytics tools effectively. This HTML builder facilitated a seamless design experience, though, making it a valuable tool for my web development endeavors.

  • A Beginner's Dream - Samantha F.

    As a novice in web design, the thought of creating a website from scratch was daunting. My primary reason for choosing this HTML builder was its user-friendly interface and comprehensive support resources. Throughout the design process, I had questions about optimizing site loading speeds and enhancing mobile responsiveness. The builder's support team was incredibly responsive, providing clear, actionable advice. Positively, the platform's extensive library of responsive design options made my site look professional on any device. However, a minor setback was the occasional glitch when saving complex page layouts, requiring me to redo some work. Overall, this builder was instrumental in transforming my website idea into reality with minimal hassle.

  • Seamless eCommerce Integration - Michael R.

    I needed an HTML builder that could effortlessly integrate eCommerce functionalities into my website, and this platform stood out for its built-in eCommerce features. The simplicity with which I could add and manage products was remarkable. My primary concern revolved around payment security and checkout efficiency, but the builder offered a variety of trusted payment gateway integrations which eased my mind. On the plus side, the built-in SEO tools helped me optimize product pages with ease. However, customizing the checkout experience was a bit restrictive, limiting how I wanted the process to feel for customers. Despite this, the builder's capabilities in handling an online store's requirements were impressive and reliable.

  • Portfolio Website Made Simple - Angela N.

    For my photography portfolio, I wanted an HTML builder that emphasized visual elements and allowed for high-resolution galleries without compromising load times. This builder's promise of optimized image handling and a focus on aesthetics led me to choose it. Throughout the design process, I wondered how to best organize my work and whether the image compression would affect quality. Thankfully, the platform offered easy-to-use gallery layouts and maintained image fidelity impressively. A significant benefit was the platform's responsive design features, ensuring my portfolio looked great on any device. The only drawback was a slight limitation in advanced customization options, which sometimes restricted my creative vision. Nonetheless, this HTML builder was a perfect match for creating a visually stunning online portfolio.

  • Ease into Web Development as a Beginner - Jessica S.

    When I first considered creating my own website, the thought alone seemed daunting. My background is in graphic design, not coding, so I was looking for something straightforward. That's when I discovered Mobirise. It promised a no-code solution, and it delivered. The drag-and-drop interface made it incredibly easy to design each webpage. I used the visual editor to finesse details without touching a single line of code. However, I wanted a custom contact form, which was a bit of a challenge. I had to do a bit of learning on HTML and integrate a third-party service. But, it was a valuable learning experience. Mobirise was the perfect launching pad for my web design journey, turning what I feared would be an uphill battle into a surprisingly enjoyable project.

  • Transition from Blogger to Webmaster - Tyrell W.

    As a long-time blogger accustomed to plug-and-play website builders, I was ready to level up and create a more professional and personalized website. My toolkit of choice included HTML5, CSS3 for styling, and a bit of JavaScript for interactivity. The journey from using pre-built templates to creating a site from scratch was exhilarating yet challenging. The most significant hurdle was understanding responsive design. Adjusting elements to look great on both mobile and desktop without a template was a trial-and-error process. To solve this, I utilized Bootstrap to help with the grid system and responsiveness. The result was a sleek, custom website that felt uniquely mine, a far cry from the limitations of standard blogging platforms. The experience deepened my understanding of web design and has inspired me to further explore web development.

  • From Zero to Web Hero - Liam J.

    Starting with zero knowledge in web development, I decided to dive headfirst into creating my first website for a small business. Choosing Mobirise as my foundation was a decision out of necessity—I needed something that would allow me to build a professional-looking site without the steep learning curve of coding. The process with Mobirise was smooth, with an extensive selection of pre-designed blocks that I could easily customize to fit the business identity. However, I hit a snag when trying to add custom JavaScript for an interactive feature. It was a bit outside the comfort zone of Mobirise's capabilities, requiring me to learn some basic coding. Thankfully, the online community around Mobirise and web development, in general, was incredibly supportive, guiding me through the process. This project not only resulted in a successful website but also ignited a passion for web development that I never knew I had.

  • My Dive Into Web Development - Maria E.

    Transitioning from a traditional art background to digital, I decided to take on the challenge of building my own portfolio website. With no prior coding experience, I relied heavily on Adobe Dreamweaver for its visual design interface and code editor. Initially, the blend of visual tools and code was overwhelming, but Dreamweaver’s tutorials and community forums were invaluable. I faced difficulties with CSS layout techniques, particularly Flexbox and Grid, which were crucial for organizing my artwork responsively. Through persistent experimentation and a lot of online resources, I gradually became more comfortable. The project was a significant time investment but resulted in a custom, responsive website showcasing my art. This journey has been incredibly rewarding, giving me control over my online presence and a new set of digital skills to explore.

  • A Game Changer for Web Projects - Emily R.

    Pros: The HTML builder has been an absolute lifesaver in expediting my web development projects. Its intuitive drag-and-drop interface makes it incredibly easy to design complex layouts without diving into lines of code. Another standout feature is the vast library of pre-designed templates and elements, which can be customized to fit any need, thereby significantly reducing development time. The responsive design options also ensure that websites look great on any device, which is a crucial factor in today's mobile-first world.

    Cons: While the builder is excellent for quickly putting sites together, it sometimes generates bloated code that can affect site performance. Advanced developers may find the customization options limiting when specific, unique functionalities are needed. Additionally, reliance on the builder for complex projects can impede the development of coding skills for beginners.

  • A Mixed Bag: Efficient but Restrictive - Marco T.

    Pros: The builder's user-friendly interface is perfect for beginners, offering an easy entry point into web design without needing to understand HTML intricacies. The real-time preview feature is incredibly helpful, providing instant feedback on design changes, which helps in achieving the desired look before going live. Its integration capabilities with other tools and platforms are also a major plus, enabling seamless workflows.

    Cons: The HTML builder limits creativity to the confines of its available tools and elements, which can be frustrating for more experienced designers aiming for unique and out-of-the-box solutions. The platform’s dependence on subscription models for access to premium features is another downside, potentially increasing the overall cost of web development projects. In addition, exporting code from the builder to manually tweak often results in cluttered and hard-to-read code that requires cleaning up.

Create website with free HTML builder now!

Begin crafting stunning, swift websites without the need for coding skills. Just employ the drag-and-drop feature to easily construct your site. With thousands of website blocks at your fingertips, customization is limitless. This tool is available for free, allowing anyone to create professional-looking websites. Download now and start building.

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